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As a startup founder or a brave person having just started your first business, we all face the unpleasant experience of being rejected. Instead of sugarcoating the whole story and trying to find the “lesson” and why this happened to us, let’s try to analyze how we can handle it and move on.
Ask for feedback.
Getting “No” can happen to all of us for different reasons and not all of these reasons are related to something we could have done better. Maybe this was not the right time for the client to buy your service or product, maybe this investor is not so much aware of the market opportunities for your business or they believe the timing is not perfect to invest in your company, maybe there was a budget cut due to the difficult economic situation we are all facing. Or maybe they simply are still not on that level to appreciate the value of what you can offer. If you are still convinced that you could have said or done something differently, your offer could have been more attractive etc. then ask for feedback. If you don’t ask, you will never know how to improve.
Say thank you and change your perspective.
There are clients or investors who never reply when you reach out to them. Therefore encourage the ones who did reply to keep doing that. Say “thank you” and ask for permission to stay in touch.
And never forget that it only takes this one “yes” to change everything and the decline emails will be long forgotten. Remember:
Maybe this decline is but one tiny, forgotten step closer to your next big yes.
How to continue?
Focus on other opportunities, approach even more persistently the new possibilities that are ahead of you and don’t despair. Keep track of all the rejections and contact the same client or investor after some time. Maybe the time will be right then. And maybe this recession will be over and the light at the end of the tunnel will be even brighter. Getting “No” is only the beginning of your successful story – be it with that client or the next one who will say “Yes”.
Contact us if you are curious to get other insights on how to transform the rejection into a beginning of a beautiful and successful business story.
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